What Remains of Edith Finch

What Remains of Edith Finch was the winner of the BAFTA Games Award for Best Game, in 2018. So not your ordinary indie game. It's really difficult to talk about this game. It is a – so called – walking simulator, but it's so much…

Portuguese ISPs ignore telecom regulator’s recommendations

EDRi's publication This article is an adaptation of an article published at: https://en.epicenter.works/content/zero-rating-in-portugal-permissive-regulator-allows-isp-to-get-away-with-offering-some-of In 2018, the Portuguese telecom regulator ANACOM told the three major Portuguese mobile Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to change offers that were in breach of EU net neutrality rules. Among other things,…

Die Anbieter kommen mit teuren Datentarifen durch

Der Anbieter TMN heißt heute MEO – und hat beim Mobilfunk einen Marktanteil von fast 50 Prozent.

Guest post at netzpolitik.org. Translation by netzpolitik.org (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Portugiesische Mobilfunkanbieter weigern sich, das Datenvolumen für ihre Kunden zu erhöhen. Stattdessen gibt es weiter Zero-Rating-Angebote, die die Netzneutralität verletzen. Die nationale Regulierungsbehörde ANACOM zeigt weder den Willen noch den Mut, das Problem anzugehen. Eduardo…

 Portugal: Data retention complaint reaches the Constitutional Court 

By Associação D3 – Defesa dos Direitos Digitais · September 25, 2019 September 2019 brought us long-awaited developments regarding the situation of data retention in Portugal. The Justice Ombudsman decided to send the Portuguese data retention law to the Constitutional Court, following the Court of…