Happy Public Domain Day!

This year, to celebrate the Public Domain Day, I had an idea for a cool custom T-Shirt.

I will be printing it soon, for myself. Can you get it, as well?

Well, it depends. There is this very ancient rule which says that nothing about Copyright can be easy, so let's respect it and make this more interesting. I won't say yes or no. I will say that:

I believe I am the author of this design, but I did not create the digital files, as I have zero knowledge on design or design software skills. I came up with the concept, the phrases, the positioning, the sizes and I picked the image. I did not chose the font but I described the type of font I was looking for. The very small mouse face at the end is from the M.L.F. logo, probably by Dan O'Neill (not sure), probably under copyright. Thing is, Dan despises copyright, particularly Disney's [btw, make sure to watch this awesome 18 min. documentary on Dan O'Neill and the Air Pirates!], so I'm taking my chances - you can always remove it. 

So, I gave those instructions, someone else created the files. Then I gave further change instructions for the draft to be as close to what I wanted. And this is the final result.

Now, regarding Mickey. This version, from Steamboat Willie (likely inspired in Steamboat Bill, Jr., 1928), entered today in the Public Domain, in the USA. I believed it was not in the Public Domain in Portugal (where I'm based), for example, but in the meanwhile someone corrected me (Thank you!): it is in the Public Domain here as well: art. 37.º CDADC.

So it is up to you to figure out what you can or cannot do with it. It will depend on the jurisdiction. As far as I'm concerned, I am releasing those files under CC BY 4.0, so you can take them and print them at your favorite local shop or online.
Oh, and make sure to remix it and to share any remix you make! I'm sure it can be improved.

Download here

PS: It would be great to have those files on a open and editable format - which I don't think they are.

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