Conversas sobre AI e direito de autor

No seguimento de animadas conversas pelo Twitter, nos últimos dias, sobre a (in)adequação do direito de autor enquanto solução para evitar processamento de dados publicamente disponíveis, alguns pensamentos rápidos sobre o tema. Entendendo-se o DA como um direito exclusivo, concedido ao autor sob a justificação…

Recursos Educacionais Abertos - Lições da UE para o Espaço Lusófono

Há algumas semanas, fiz uma pequena apresentação para a 14ª Conferência Lusófona Ciência Aberta, que decorreu em Natal, Brasil. Na impossibilidade de estar presente, gravei previamente a apresentação, que segue o formato Pecha Kucha. Este tem como característica um limite de 7 minutos para a apresentação, que é um verdadeiro desafio ao poder de síntese.

A apresentação tem por base o artigo "Recursos Educacionais Abertos - Lições da UE para o Espaço Lusófono", um trabalho meu e da Prof. Giulia Priora, com publicação para breve (em formato ainda mais pequeno que o vídeo).

Law ain't Code

I wrote this blog post for WhatNextLaw. I'm publishing it here as well, for archiving purposes.

Law ain’t Code: Upload filtering technologies and the CDSM Directive

A new provision entered the scene of EU copyright regulation, deeply affecting the uploading, accessing, and enjoying of online content. Some considerations on the legal and technological impact of Article 17 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive.

When Lawrence Lessig published “Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace” in 1999, a new – often misunderstood – mantra was born: “Code is Law”. With his book (later updated to Code Version 2.0), Lessig helped us understand that cyberspace, despite its peculiar nature, was not beyond the reach of physical space regulation. Contrary to popular ideas at the time, which claimed that cyberspace should not – and could not – be regulated, Lessig argued that, in cyberspace, freedom would not come from the absence of the State and, if left to itself, cyberspace would be misused as a tool for control and restriction. As such, a new form of public legal ordering needed to be built for our fundamental values and rights to also be protected online. And it needed to be built within the maze of Codes.

José de Oliveira Ascensão - on Copyright Law & The Information Society

photo of Oliveira Ascensão

Prof. José de Oliveira Ascensão was a Portuguese-Brazilian lawyer and academic who for many, many decades was the main academic reference in Portugal concerning Intellectual Law (to use his expression) and, specifically, copyright. 

I knew he was also popular in Brazil, where he worked for many years, but I guess I have been underestimating how widely popular he became there. Which might help to explain such a difference in the copyright culture of both countries – but let's keep that discussion for another time.

Diz não ao Artigo 13

Campanha organizada em parceria com a ThumbMedia (link actualizado - o site encontra-se arquivado no Web Archive) #Artigo13 #SaveYourInternet

Copyfighters memes

This text was retroactively added in 2021. I published it as it was 2017, because I prefer to keep things ~in chronological order. Memes made in the woods of the south of Sweden, for Copyfighters. I think these - at least most of them -…

Copyright X

I'm a Copyright X evangelist. Every year, around September, I try to bring people to this course. Copyright X is an online course by the Berkman Klein Center For Internet & Society, from the Harvard Law School. A twelve-week networked course that has been offered annually…