José de Oliveira Ascensão - on Copyright Law & The Information Society

photo of Oliveira Ascensão

Prof. José de Oliveira Ascensão was a Portuguese-Brazilian lawyer and academic who for many, many decades was the main academic reference in Portugal concerning Intellectual Law (to use his expression) and, specifically, copyright. 

I knew he was also popular in Brazil, where he worked for many years, but I guess I have been underestimating how widely popular he became there. Which might help to explain such a difference in the copyright culture of both countries – but let's keep that discussion for another time.

Patents on life-saving drugs. Remembering AIDS.

«During the AIDS epidemic of the 1990s and 2000s which ravaged Africa and other parts of the world, the principal anti-retroviral treatments were all under patent with big multinational pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline and Boehringer, which kept prices much too high for most…

A vacina vai aparecer, mas vai pertencer a quem?

Direito e Tecnologia #5 Coluna no Odivelas Notícias de 21 de Maio de 2020 Se há algo que parece ser consensual entre os cientistas da área é que uma vacina para a Covid-19 vai aparecer. Subitamente passou a haver grandes fundos para pesquisa científica, e…