Fair Use as Innovation Policy

For IPSI Booklet 2024, I had the opportunity to revisit Fred von Lohmann's 2008 article “Fair Use as Innovation Policy”.

2008 seems now far away, but in the current EU policy environment, where innovation, competitiveness and knowledge seem to be keywords back in the political agenda, this article is relevant as ever. 

In short, von Lohmann demonstrates how fair use in the USA fulfills an essential innovation policy role. In contrast, I say, EU's inflexible copyright regime is the opposite: a conservative, anti-innovation regime by nature.

Open Source in 12 mins

This week, in our IPSI Talk, I made a presentation about free / open source software. We only have 12 minutes to present, which was quite a challenge.

As usual, I had way too much information, and in this time frame there is not much room for detail. But I think I was able to deliver the main points.